
Sew Immediately:
A Sewing Manifesto



1. We want to sing the love of sewing, the habit of using needle and thread.

2. The essential elements of our labor will be persistence, practicality, and an ever-present pin-pillow.

3. Modern society has up to now valued shopping, mass production, and uniformity. We want to exalt a movement of hand-making, stitch after stitch.

4. We declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched by a rediscovered beauty: the beauty of sewing. A roaring sewing machine is more stunning than the newest, smartest technological gadget.

5. We want to sing the person at the needle, the ideal axis of which crosses the fabric, itself hurled along its garment-in-progress.

6. The sewer must develop an eye for color and pattern, and dexterity with needle and thread, in order to increase the enthusiastic fervor of the sewing cause.

7. Beauty exists in the act of making. There is no masterpiece that has not been worth the trouble it took to make it.

8. We want to glorify sewing--the only cure for the world--which supersedes all destructive forces, by being the most practical constructive force we know.

9. We want to demolish the demand for mass-produced goods that are sewn, and put the power back into the hands of the individuals who are sewing on a smaller scale.

10. We will sing of the great crowds agitated by the repetition of producing numerous stitches, but we ourselves do not mind it. This is both pleasure and revolt: sew immediately!


